Global Issues Conference 5

W dniach 30 marca – 2 kwietnia 2020 Serdecznie zapraszamy do zdalnego udziału w międzynarodowej globalnej konferencji Global Issues Conference 5 organizowanej przez East Carolina University we współpracy z PWSZ w Krośnie. 

Program i linki, które umożliwiają dołączanie się do poszczególnych sesji są dostępne na stronie oraz poniżej. 

Sesje obejmują Globalną edukację, Globalny biznes i ekonomię, Globalne środowisko, Międzynarodową politykę, Globalne wyzwania społeczne i Problemy zdrowotne na świecie. Prezenterami są studenci filologii angielskiej i dwujęzykowych studiów dla tłumaczy z PWSZ w Krośnie.

Niektóre sesje moderowane są również przez krośnieńskich wykładowców.

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych do wzięcia udziału w tym wydarzeniu – nawet w czasie zarazy nasza konferencja przebiega zgodnie z planem.

Poniżej dołączamy plan konferencji z linkami do poszczególnych sesji oraz książkę abstraktów w pliku pdf. 

GIC5 Sessions Timetable

Monday March 30th – Thursday April 2nd

All times and dates given are at GPE time, the equivalent to EST or New York City time. Please use a time zone convertor to find your local time.

Monday 30th

7:00-8:00am GPE time (13:00 czasu polskiego)
Global Education 1 –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
FJWU – Pakistan Dr. Adeela Rehman Students perspective and experiences towards emerging technology-oriented teaching methodologies in higher education: a sociological analysis.
UABT – Algeria Prof. Noureddine Mouhadjer;
Dr. Mohammed Kheladi;
Mr. Amine Belaid
Virtual Environment and Social Skills Development
ECU – USA Ashley Bell Let Positive Thoughts Lead the Way


0:00-11:00am GPE time (16:00 czasu polskiego)
Global Business & Economics –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
LSC – Colombia Maria Fernanda Silva Penaloza; Robert Ojeda Perez Perceptions on trade of cultural goods in Mexico, United States and Ukraine.
UTG – The Gambia Joy Nwamah;
Willem Klijnstra
An investigation on determinants that deters the growth of industrialization in The The Gambia
ESAN – Peru Mariella Olivos;
Stella Tippin
An answer to the internationalization challenge for Business Schools is institutional networks support: Lessons learned from CLADEA COIL

Thuesday 31th

7:00-7:45am GPE time (13:00 czasu polskiego)
Global Environment –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
FJWU – Pakistan Dr. Aliya Fazal Impact analysis of Glacial Lakes on land use /land cover dynamics of Karakoram Using Satellite Imagery from 1998-2018
ECU – USA Madison Johnson The Importance of Duck Hunting

8:00-9:00am GPE time (14:00 czasu polskiego)
International Politics 1 –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
SNNU – China Hengfeng Zhao Ontological identity and biased understandings to China
ECU – USA Philip Jackson Game Theoretic Analysis of the North Korean Missile Crisis
KSC – Poland Bartosz Golabek One History – Two Perspectives. Official Poland’s And Official Russia’s argument on WW II.

9:30-10:30 GPE time (15:30 czasu polskiego)
International Politics 2 –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
IUO – Nigeria Dr. Femi Olufunmilade Horrible Movies: A Content Analysis of Propaganda Videos of Boko Haram Terrorist Sect in Nigeria
UTG – The Gambia Dr Nelson Goldpin Obah-Akpowoghaha Porous Borders and the Challenge of National Integration in Africa: An Examination of Ghana, Nigeria and Republic Niger
ECU – USA Roman Bilian The Labor Impact of the 2014 War in Ukraine

April 1st

7:00-8:00am GPE time (13:00 czasu polskiego)
Global Social Challenges 1 –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
FJWU – Pakistan Hina Arooj Impact of Social media globalization in causing Brand Consciousness among Girls
UOP – Pakistan Dr. Sahira Zaman Perception of young adults about young females’ participation in sports
ECU – USA Brittany Alligood The Relationships Between Gender-Neutral Parenting Attitudes, Negative Dimensions of Sexual Orientation Identity, And Child Outcomes Among Lesbian Mothers


10:00-11:00am GPE time (16:00 czasu polskiego)
Global Education 2 –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
ESAN – Peru Mariella Olivos;
Mariella Camargo
Promoting research through student’s cross-cultural interaction: Lessons learned from collaborative projects in S- Commerce and Social Media and Leadership between students in Peru, Mexico and USA.
FAJ-Brazil Ana Maria Girotti Sperandio; Marcia Maria Arco e Flexa Ferreira da Costa Social steam maker, from digital to clay: educational technology for high school.
ECU – USA Nidhi Sharma Culture Shock and Adaptation: Understanding Challenges and Proposing Workshop

April 2nd

7:00-8:00am GPE time (13:00 czasu polskiego) 
World Health Issues –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
FJWU – Pakistan Dr. Adeela Rehman Nutritional Deficiencies among Adolescents: Challenges for Healthcare System
FAJ-Brazil Ana Maria Girotti Sperandio; Nadejda Magno Francisco dos Santos; Alessangela Maria Soriani; Vinicius Conessa;
Anelize Sgorlon Pinheiro Torres
Interdisciplinary study of perception of signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in a university center, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
KSC – Poland Wiktor Czaplicki Technological progress for disabled people


10:00-11:30am GPE time (16:00 czasu polskiego)
Global Social Challenges 2 –

Institution Presenter(s) Paper Title
KSC – Poland Paulina Szot;
Justyna Warchol;
Aleksandra Brzana
Stereotypes in Polish culture
FAJ-BrazilAna Maria Girotti Sperandio; Vinicius Conessa;
Anelize Sgorlon Pinheiro Torres; Nadejda Magno Francisco dos Santos;
Alessangela Maria Soriani
A study of Sao Paulo’s countryside: women in a rural area
ECU – USA Kelsey Black;
Liz Lyttle;
Abby Yourkavitch;
Attie Giles;
Carly Jarvis;
Kaki Thorell;
Logan Stox
Face to Face: It’s Personal
LSC – Colombia Robert Ojeda Perez Relation of masculinity values over the power distance perception: an overlook to the Chinese and Colombian case.