Najnowszy wiersz Pagru Katharsis


SixSixsix – date obsessing me
Memories howling in my head
I remember THAT DAY
when penance fall from heaven
It is impossible to find path of oblivion
Vermits are biting at every breath…

Cold wind on my cheeks
Shudders on my neck –
while I am entering the gate
Darkness seducing my heart
I am drowning in fog
Forgotten whispers crooning a melody
Trees following my steps

I am looping at my hands
I am alone among hatred and fear
Tree crowns are waving to cursed filth
I am burning you in tears in sorrow
I am in paradise now

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~ Pagru

SixSixSix – odniesienie do daty 16.06.2016