
State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno is a Institution that cares about the high quality of practical education.
International cooperation, especially in the field of exchange of teaching staff, will lead to improving the skills of lecturers, both in the area of ​​dissemination of technologically advanced methods of impact, including distance learning, and the development of soft skills.
It is extremely important to increase the number of students completing internships and internships. Increasing the number of foreign students coming to Krosno will require an increase in the number of compulsory and elective modules taught in foreign languages, especially in congress languages.
• increasing the share of didactic employees in international exchange to 15% of the total employed (in full-time equivalent) in the following academic years,
• increasing to 2% of the total number of students the number of students undertaking internships and internships in subsequent academic years.

The University undertakes cooperation with scientific and didactic, socio-cultural and local government centers, both in Poland and abroad, to broaden the perspectives for further development of its students, graduates and employees, as well as to support the development of the region.
Cooperation with foreign entities in the field of teaching, research and development, and economic activity, including the exchange of students and scientific and didactic staff, will contribute to the dissemination of good economic practices, development of language skills and, thanks to acquired soft competences, increase the chances of finding employment in the country. The University will strive to broaden the spectrum of cooperation with foreign universities as part of international exchange programs for students and employees and based on bilateral partnership agreements with new centers, especially from countries not yet covered by such cooperation.
The University will continue to actively raise funds from European and national programs to finance international exchange.
The best mobility projects can receive support from a special international cooperation fund that can be established by the Rector.
• participation in international exchange of employees from all factories,
• increasing to 2% of the total number of students the number of students undertaking studies in foreign universities in subsequent academic years,
• increasing the number of foreign students undertaking studies in Krosno in the field of international cooperation,
• conclusion of new international cooperation agreements and exchange of students and employees.

Resolution No. 10/21 of the Senate of the State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno of March 16, 2021 on the adoption of the “Internationalization Strategy of the State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno for the years 2021-2025”:

Resolution No. 10/21

Appendix No. 1 to Resolution 10/21 of the Senate of KPU in Krosno of March 16, 2021. on the adoption of the “Internationalization Strategy of the State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno for the years 2021-2025”:

Appendix No. 1 to Resolution 10/21

Strategia umiędzynarodowienia

Uchwała nr 10/21 Senatu Karpackiej Państwowej Uczelni w Krośnie z dnia 16 marca 2021 roku w sprawie przyjęcia ,,Strategii umiędzynarodowienia Karpackiej Państwowej Uczelni w Krośnie na lata 2021-2025″:

Uchwała nr 10/21

Załącznik nr 1 do Uchwały 10/21 Senatu KPU w Krośnie z dnia 16 marca 2021r. w sprawie przyjęcia ,,Strategii umiędzynarodowienia Karpackiej Państwowej Uczelni w Krośnie na lata 2021-2025″:

Załącznik nr 1 do Uchwały 10/21