Dr Dorota Mihułka – Publications

She is the author of one book and numerous articles published in reviewed monographs both in Poland and abroad, and in scholarly journals.


(2020): In Search of Identity and Spirituality in the Fiction of American Jewish Female Authors at the Turn of the 21st Century. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag. (=Text–Meaning–Context: Cracow Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture, vol. 17).


(2020): “Return to Jewish Roots and Religion – the ba’al teshuvah Phenomenon as Reflected in Contemporary American Jewish Female Literature.” In: Rusek, Ewa/ Władysław, Witalisz (eds.). Across Borders. Cultural and Linguistic Shifts in the 21st Century. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag. (=Text–Meaning–Context Cracow Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture, vol. 18). P. 75–87.

(2017): „Tekst literacki pomostem w procesie poznawania siebie i Innych.” Języki Obce w Szkole. 1/2017. P. 102–108.

(2015): „Niepowodzenia komunikacyjne w perspektywie interkulturowej.” Linguodidactica vol. 19. P. 141–156. (co-author: Krystyna Mihułka)

(2015): “Temptations of non-Jewish lifestyle in Pearl Abraham’s and Allegra Goodman’s novels.” In: Aleksandrowicz-Pędich, Lucyna/ Partyka, Jacek (eds.). Jews and Non-Jews: Memories and Interactions from the Perspective of Cultural Studies. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. (= Warsaw Studies in Jewish History and Memory, vol. 6). P. 127–142.

(2011): “‘I am a woman cracked by multiple migrations’ – the search for self through space in the works by South Asian American women writers.” In: Witalisz, Alicja (ed.). Migration, Narration, Communication. Cultural Exchanges in a Globalised World. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. (=Text–Meaning–Context: Cracow Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture, vol. 1). P. 31–41.

(2009): “‘Your mother is in your bones’ – mother/daughter relationships in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club.” In: Brighton, Christopher/ Lala, Jack (eds.). Cultural Intersections: Dialogue and Exchange in Language Studies. Tarnów: Wyd. PWSZ w Tarnowie. P. 74–82.

(2009): “Crossing identity borders in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior.” In: Štekauer, Pavol/ Tomaščíková, Slavka/ Witalisz, Władysław (eds.). Culture Language and Literature Across Border Regions. Krosno: Wyd. PWSZ w Krośnie. (=Prace Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Krośnie, vol. 37). P. 279–290.

(2009): “Tolerance or acceptance – ethnic attitudes in contemporary Poland. An analysis of empirical studies.” Journal of Global Awareness vol. 9, 1/2009. P. 44–55.

(2008): „Dialog interkulturowy jako piąta sprawność na lekcji języka obcego.” Języki Obce w Szkole. 2/2008. P. 13–19.

(2005): “Communication strategies and language proficiency levels.” In: Witalisz, Alicja (ed.). Papers on Language, Culture and Literature 2. Krosno: Wyd. PWSZ w Krośnie (=Prace Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Krośnie, vol. 19). P. 195–206.