dr Bogumił Wolski – Najważniejsze publikacje

Autor i współautor publikacji naukowych, m.in. :

  1. Photo-Based Internet Memes as the Expression of Political and Social Activism (2020), w: Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies (SKASE), Koszyce, Słowacja (w przygotowaniu)
  2. One Nation, Two National Identities: The Impact of Politics and the Media on the Recent Shift in Identity Construction in Poland (2020), w: Océanide, Spanish Society for the Study of Popular Culture. (SELICUP), https://www.oceanide.es/index.php/012020/issue/view/14
  3. The Tradition of Blackface and the Representation of Non-White Minorities in British Situation Comedies (2019), w: Language and Culture: Scientific Papers, Kutaisi, Gruzja, 123-135.
  4. Poland for Poles only? Attitudes of Poles towards Refugees and Immigrants (2017), w: Svet kultúr a tradícií slovensko-poľského pohraničia. Zvyšovanie kompetencií vysokoškolských pedagógov v oblasti interkultúrneho vzdelávania, Presov, Slovakia: Presov University. https://www.unipo.sk/public/files/GTF/2018/Intereg/Svet_kultu__r_a_tradi__cii___slovensko-pol__ske__ho_pohranic__ia_zborni__k.pdf
  5. From Sitcom to Satcom – New Trends in British Situation Comedy (2013), w: Papers on Language, Culture and Literature 4, Prace Naukowo Dydaktyczne PWSZ w Krośnie. Vol. 61, ed. A. Witalisz, 169-183.
  6. Britcoms and People of Colour (2011), w: Papers on Language, Culture and Literature 3, Prace Naukowo Dydaktyczne PWSZ w Krośnie, Vol. 55, ed. A.Witalisz, Krosno, 221-230.
  7. Non-white Immigration in Britain after World War II (2011), w: Language, Literature and Culture in Present-Day Context: Contemporary Research Perspectives in Anglophone PhD Studies, The Slovak Association for the Study of English (SKASE), Koszyce, Słowacja.
  8. Mentoring-an Ongoing Process (1998), w: Innovations and Outcomes in English Language Teacher Education, ed. P. J. Melia, The British Council, Warsaw, 125-136.

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