Manual – E-learning – E-Student

What is E-learning?

E-learning or alternatively e-student i san online platform to share documents, materials and information to students. Each student may access the courses available on platform, that were created by teachers of their subjects. Available materials can take form of quiz, questions, open chat discussion, pdf materials, manuals, etc.

How to get access platform and log in?

1. Each studet and teacher can log in to platform.

2. You can log in using website:

3. To log in click on top right corner „log in”.

4. After you click it, login form will appear.

5. Loginem na platformie jest prywatny mail podany podczas rejestracji na studia w systemie IRK lub aktualny w systemie USOS (jeżeli ktoś zmieniał adres mailowy)

6. Authorization is made by Centralny Serwer Uwierzytelniania (Central Authorization System) and is the same as to the other of College’s platforms. You use one password everywhere:

  • E-Learning
  • USOSWeb
  • E-mail of KPU

7. How to reset password?

Password can be reset via website

Type your e-mail address there (Erasmus+ students use the address that International Office contacts you) – private address

  • ATTENTION! After password reset, e-mail login will work after 10 minutes. System has to migrate your data to mail server.
  • ATTENTION! E-mail with link to reset password may go to SPAM folder, please report it in your private e-mail box as “this is not a spam”.

Any technical problems should be reported to e-mail:
To help the staff solve the problem quickly, please include in your message following information: index number, name, surname. Please describe your problem as detailed as possible and all the actions that you made to solve the problem.

What can you do on platform?

You will get access to the „tree” of available courses. When you click on „ROCZNIK 2021/22” structure of courses will appear.

If you select proper instutite, department, year, type of studies, you will see the courses that you should sign up for using the credentials proveded by teachers of these courses.